A Personal Retreat Day with Jamie Lee
“Exploring Key Transitions” Sunday, November 13, 10:00 am -5:00 pm Location: 6459 160th Street NW Cass Lake, MN Cost: $125.00 (includes lunch and a copy of my workbook, The Genealogy of the Soul) During times of change and important transitions, we need to be even more aware of our personal patterns and how they can keep us locked in. Are we able to “see out” of this moment and toward where we want to go? Join me in a day-long retreat designed to help you to explore new ways of thinking about old ways of being. This day will be fairly organic with me reaching into my tool box to teach some new skills or to work with your current patterns. I will introduce the basics of Family Constellation Work and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). Group size is limited to 8 people. Bring a notebook to scribble in. Bring a healthy snack to share if you would like and a simple lunch will be provided. There will be possibilities for further learning or individual work for those who want to continue learning after the retreat. Call or text (605) 381-4333 to register or to talk with me about your patterns and whether the retreat is a good fit for you. |